Quantum many-body theory

Low-temperature atomic systems manifest phenomena that are strikingly different from classical mechanics. Quantum mechanics implies that energy levels are discrete and this is the foundation of the current definition of the second.

Accuracy and precision of optical clocks are entering a regime where not only single-atom quantum mechanics is crucial, but also quantum many-body phenomena play a relevant role. When going beyond mean-field or perturbative theoretical approaches, their study generically requires massively parallel computation on HPC resources.

We are presently investigating:

Contact: Gianluca Bertaina

Full list of publications: see here or here


Stefano Gregorio Giaccari

Available Master theses:

In this thesis, the candidate will learn and employ theoretical and computational approaches (in particular the QuTiP Python libraries and the cumulant expansion) to simulate the quantum dynamics of alkaline-earth atoms in an optical lattice embedded in an optical cavity, with the aim to investigate the best parameters to optimize the generation of non classical states (e.g. spin squeezing) and the reduction of the variance of population measurements.

Cold dilute gases are used for quantum simulation and in optical lattice clocks. Direct interaction between ultracold atoms can be characterized by a few scattering parameters in a partial wave expansion. In spite of the relative simplicity of the theoretical description, the solution of the full many-body Schroedinger equation is a daunting task, that can be efficiently tackled by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. In this thesis, the candidate will develop a quantum Monte Carlo code for the massively parallel computation of the equation of state and structural properties of interacting Fermi or Bose gases in optical traps.

PhD students:

Supervisor: Prof. Davide E. Galli. Co-supervisor: Dr. Gianluca Bertaina

Supervisor: Prof. Davide E. Galli. Co-supervisor: Dr. Gianluca Bertaina


Nitya Cuzzuol, Università degli Studi di Bologna (2022)

Supervisor: Prof. Pierbiagio Pieri. Co-supervisor: Dr. Gianluca Bertaina

Andrea Caprotti, Università degli Studi di Milano (2022)

Supervisors: Prof.  Marco G. Genoni, Dr. Gianluca Bertaina. Co-supervisor: Dr. Marco G. Tarallo

Jacopo D'Alberto, Università degli Studi di Bologna (2021)

Supervisor: Prof. Pierbiagio Pieri, Co-supervisor: Dr. Gianluca Bertaina

Christian Apostoli, Università degli Studi di Milano (2020)

Supervisor: Prof. Davide E. Galli. Co-supervisor: Dr. Gianluca Bertaina


Andrea Caprotti, INRiM (2022). Funding source: Q-Clocks QuantERA 2017

Supervisor: Dr. Gianluca Bertaina


Vincenzo Fogliani, Laurea in Ingegneria Fisica, Politecnico di Torino (2023)

Former collaborators:

Andrea Caprotti (now PhD University of Vienna, ORCID)


2023-2025 Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca PRIN "Efficient simulation and design of quantum CONtrol sTRategies for mAny-Body quAntum SystemS" (CONTRABASS) (UNIMI: Prof. M. Genoni, INRIM: G. Bertaina)

EU QuantERA Q-Clocks (Levi, Tarallo)

EMPIR USOQS (Levi, Tarallo)